The size of Aldoron(Fairy Tail)

Back from massivie tooth pain, fully recovered, now to post out and dump some shit out, inculding this calc.

We’re back with another Fairy Tail calc, this time of epic portions, one of the largest things within Shonen and easily the biggest thing in Fairy Tail by far. The massive Wood Dragon is known as Aldoron, this massive Dragon the size of a small country.…

Aldoron (アルドロン Arudoron), also known as The Wood God Dragon (木神竜 Mokushinryū), is one of the Five God Dragons that inhabit the continent of Giltena and boy is he fucking HUGE! to give you a idea of how massive this creature is.

 Draseel. is said to be even larger than Fiore.

Fairy Tail Revisions( Frist Timeskip)

Fairy Tail Revisions( Pre Timeskip)

Now for the first Timeskip abilities within Fairy Tail which is massive boost in power from Pre Skip as if the entire verse itself became far more powerful than it was previously.

Bottom Tier Fairy Tail Characters list.

No real difference in abilities that’s notable, they’re fodder what you expect.

B Ranked Mages(Post Skip)

Basically Max’s tier of mages within this world. B rank mages have grown much stronger than they were 7 years ago, this is literally proven when Max who was jobber tier was able to overpower Post Tenerou Island Natsu 

The Same Post Timeskip Natsu who at the very least scales to Gray in Tenerou Island who would be roughly City Level+ via powerscaling from a casual Ultear and Zancrow The latter having a City level feat against Natsu.

So fodder B rank mages would be at least City level powersca

Crocus size by IreneBelserion69

A city which i had calced at roughly  20,808.733 m or 432.972 Square Kilometers. So how big is Drassel?

Aldoron's hand by IreneBelserion69

Mountain Height: 41 px(4,000 m)

Mountain Diameter: 75px(7,317.1 m)

City of Draseel: 413 px(40,292.68 m)

Area of Draseel:1,623.5 sq km

Wood dragons foot by IreneBelserion69

And that’s just the fucking city alone, time for the rest of the fucking body. Drassel is easily twice the size of New York City

Wood dragons leg by IreneBelserion69

City of Draseel: 508 px(40,292.68 m)

Leg Diameter:355px(28157.29 m)

Height of Aldoron: 934px(74,081.423 m)

Toe Height:263px(20,860.19 m)

Toe Diameter:191px(15,149.42 m)

Toenail height:174px(13,801 m)

Toneail width:191px(15,149.42 m)

Aldoron body by IreneBelserion69

City of Draseel: 111 px(40,292.68 m)

The foot of Aldoron:151 (54,812.56 m)

Limb length:281px(102,002.18 m)

Torso Height:111 px(40,292.68 m)

Torso and neck Length:600px(217,798.27 m)

Torso Width: 127 px(46100.63 m)

Head Width and Length:117px(42,470.66m)

Head depth: 7px(2,541 m)

Tree on his back Diameter:135px(49,004.6 m)

Tree Height:64 px(23,231.82 m)

Leaves Diameter:228 px(82,763.34 m)

Horn Height:124px(45,011.64 m)

Horn Diameter:15px(5,445 m)

Now for the full size of Aldoron

Aldoron’s Torso inculding neck

Torso Height:111 px(40,292.68 m)

Torso and neck Length:600px(217,798.27 m)

Torso Width: 127 px(46100.63 m)

Volume:404,564,192,168,170.5 m^3

Denisty of Body:1,330kg/m^3

Mass:5.380703755836667e+17 kg

Area of the Torso:10,040.6375 Sg km

Aldoron’s Arms and legs

Limb height:102,002.18 m

Leg Diameter:28157.29 m

Limb Volume:80,870,692,350,594.91 m^3

Combined Limb Volume:323,482,769,402,379.7 m^3

Density of Body:1,330kg/m^3

Mass:1.075580208262912e+17 kg

Combined Mass:4.302320833051649e+17 kg

Area of the limbs:792.83298 sq km

Combined area of Limbs:3,171.33192 sqaure liometers

Aldoron’s Head

Head Width and Length:42,470.66m

Head depth: 2,541 m

Head Volume:4583346437483.26 m^3

Density of Wood:1,330kg/m^3

Mass:6,095,850,761,852,735 kg

Head Area:1,803.75696 sqaure Kilometers

Aldoron’s Tree

Tree on his back Diameter:49,004.6 m

Tree Height:23,231.82 m

Tree Volume:55790073216041.31 m^3

Density of Wood:1,330kg/m^3

Mass:7.420079737733494e+16 kg

Tree Area:2,401.45082 sq km

Aldoron’s  Leaves

Aldoron’s Leaf diameter:82,763.34 m

The volume of the leaves:566,909,880,506,101.6 m^3

The density of Leaves: At least 0.002 grams per cubic meter

Mass of leaves:283,454,940,253,050.8 kg

Leaves area:6,849.77045 sq km

Aldoron’s toes and fingers

Toe Height:263px(20,860.19 m)

Toe Diameter:191px(15,149.42 m)

Toe Volume:4787516369313.308

Density of Wood:1,330kg/m^3

Mass:6,367,396,771,186,700 kg

Combined Toes mass:1.27347935423734e+17 kg

Area of Toe:229.504926 sq km

The combined area of toes:4,590.09852 sq km

Aldoron's foot by IreneBelserion69

Just it’s foot alone would engulf all of New York’s Metroploation area crushing everyone in that area instantaneously.

Toenail height:174px(13,801 m)

Toenail width:191px(15,149.42 m)

Toenail depth:1 px(79.316 m)

Toenail Volume:16,583,162,866.13272

The density of Nails/Balsa:160 kg/m^3

Mass:2,653,306,058,581.235 kg

Combined Toenail mass:53,066,121,171,624.7 kg

Area:209.077145 Sq km

Combined Area:4,181.5429 Sqaure km

Horn Height:124px(45,011.64 m)

Horn Diameter:15px(5,445 m)

Horn Volume:1,334,506,228,011m^3

Density of Wood:1,330kg/m^3

Mass:1,774,893,283,254,630 kg m^3

Area:29.648025 sq km

Now for the tail, since the Dragon has a Tail but not shown, it’s safe to assume that the tail is about 25.8% the length of the body and thickness around 25.65% the length of the tail. Going by these Estimates we get these figures.

Aldoron’s  Tail

Aldoron’s Tail Length:56,191.95366 m

Aldoron’s Tail diameter:14,413.24 m

Volume:11673396880013.21 m^3

Density of Wood: 1,330kg/m^3


Area of the Tail:207.741487 Square Miles

Full Body

Alodron’s length:273,990.22366 km

Aldoron’s volume:745,969,874,373,380.3 m^3

Density of Wood: 1,330kg/m^3

Aldoron’s full mass:9.921399329165958e+17 kg

Aldoron’s full Area:19,843.214412 sqaure km

The sheer size of Aldorn is almost large enough to equal the entire state of Israel or the state of New Jersey. That’s an astronomically massive Dragon of sheer epic portions. If you were to put the dragon in a fetal position, his body would be 140.865 km/88 miles wide and long., you can fit him across the entire state of New Jersey.

At a height of at least 74km high sqauting and over 102 km high, the dragon would be between 8.4 times to 11.6 times taller than Mount Everest. That’s an extremely tall dragon that can reach the  Mesosphere easily.

Alodron's size by IreneBelserion69

Standing on its hind legs, it would tower as high as over 250km high. of all the massive things I’ve scaled, this takes the fucking cake in just sheer size. Just his height alone takes up limit of the atmosphere

Yes, this thing is massive, every part of this Dragon is just overwhelming huge. Just it’s sheer existence needed to sustain itself is overwhelming. An Average 1,000 kg tree can absorb as much as 48 lbs (21.77 kgs) of Co2 per year.

The average American produces about 19.78 metric tonnes (21.8 tons) of CO2 emissions each year. This means it would take 909 trees to absorb the CO2 your average American produces each year.

Going by sheer mass alone, Aldoron can absorb over 2.159888633959429e+16 kg of Co2 per year by sheer mass alone, that’s more than twice the total carbon content of all organisms on Earth.

That’s 684,896,192.9095095 kg of Co2 being absorbed every second or 684,896 Metric tons of Co2 absorbed a year, the eqaulivence of 34,626 average American CO2 annual CO2 emissions or the equivalent of 31,474,754 trees absorbing Co2 per year per second.

RMS Titanic 3.jpg

Or basically the weight of nearly 9 Virginia Class Nuclear Submarines, which is more weight than the RSM Titanic per second, that’s a mindblowing amount of mass of Co2 absorbed.

Merely by Aldoron’s presence, he can absorb the world’s Caborn Emissions which is a whopping 4×1013 kg’s Annually in merely 16 hours ending Global CLimate change within less than a day which is just utterly mindblowing.

Conversely, on average, one tree produces nearly 260 pounds of oxygen each year. Two mature trees can provide enough oxygen for a family of four for a year.  Going by sheer size, Aldoron can produce roughly 1.169939676728744e+17 kg of Oxygen per year, that’s roughly 2.27% of the mass of the atmosphere, increasing global oxygen levels by 2.27% every year, meaning within a decade, oxygen levels would increase by 22.7%. 

Going by the specific heating capacity of Oxygen at 919 J/kg, the bare minimum enegery exerted from releasing oxygen would be at the very least generate 629,419,601,283.8392 Joules or the eqauilvent 150.434 895 14 Tons of TNT per Second. Meaning in a day, Aldoron is generating roughly 12.997574940096 Megatons of TNT energy worth of oxygen.

Giving us oxygen levels comparable to that of the Dinosaur era in merely a decade’s time.

This means going by physics, the Fairy Tail world would have roughly 1,135 times the mass of earth’s atmosphere going by the fact the dragon was said to exist over 500 years ago which would explain why dragons could exist in their world.

Now for the energy of sunlight, this massive behemoth can collect.

Calculating the Energy from Sunlight over a 12-Hour Period

(Written in response to an inquiry recently received)

Incident sunlight is usually thought of in terms of power per unit area. The typical units are mW/cm2. At the earth’s surface, the nominal value of the solar constant is 137 mW/cm2. This value corresponds to high noon with the sun directly overhead (as would occur at the equator or in the tropics).

The energy from sunlight may be obtained from this number and a little geometry. If we take energy in mJ (millijoules), then from the units alone we obtain

Aldoron’s volume:745,969,874,373,380.3 m^3 or

 The means in 12 hours, Alaodrion would’ve absorbed roughly 1.021978727891531e+16 Joules of Sunlight or roughly 2.44 Megatons of TNT, That’s the equivalent of gathering enough energy to form a Little Boy tier Nuke every 5 minutes or 2.883 Terawatts of electricity in 12 hours, that’ 1.44 times more power than the approximate power generated between the surfaces of Jupiter and its moon Io due to Jupiter’s tremendous magnetic field at 2 Terawatts or over 86% the annual electricity consumption of the United States.

USS Los Angeles;0868802.jpg

That means every second, Alaodron is absorbing 236 569 149 974.891 4 joules of energy from Sunlight, enough to equal 56.54 Tons of TNT equivalent per Second, meaning each second, Aldoron is absorbing more energy than nearly 3 Davy Crocket Tactical Nukes per second or enough power to produce 65.712 Megawatts per second, more than enough to power 2 Los Angeles-class submarines and that’s pre second.…

That’s enough power to power 6,319 American households for a whole year within a single second, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was 10,399 kilowatthours (kWh)

.In 35 seconds, Aldoron’s enegery could easily power New York City for an entire year with all 900,000 of its households.…

An average Solar Panel absorbs 12 watts of Solar Power at full sunlight and this is a Square Meter Solar Panel. To match the casual seconds of Solar Panel absorption, you would need over 19,714,095,831.24095 Square Meters of Solar Panels which is 19,714 Square Kilometers of Solar Panels, this is more or less covering an area the size of New Jersey with Solar Panels just to match the output of Aldoron’s casual solar energy asbprtion per second.

As for the water itself, this massive tree would require a shiton of water. An average 1-ton tree requires at least provide 20 gallons of water weekly. Considering the mass of Alodron is 9.921399329165958e+17kg, it would take roughly 1.652905128239049e+20 kg of water or 1.984279865833192e+19 Gallons of water every two weeks in order to maintain the existence of Aldoron.

Self hating White people tell you what to eat

Yep we’re back to another Anti SJW journal talking about Veganism

This video from Infowars inspired me to to do a further deconstruction and debunking about “White People’s diets”. Yeah did you know that only White people eat meat and White people are solely responsible for Meat causing CO2 Gases and Ecological disasters on the planet? Yeah if you think this sounds absolutely retarded, then congratulations, you have a functioning brain.

Basically, this is what this “Scientific research” boils down to.

Very funny that the same people who won’t touch on the topic of “Race and IQ” would casually promote Pseudo Science bullshit about white people being the sole cause of climate change or even the largest factor of Climate change. I’m against racist Puesdo Science crap be it the questionable Race and IQ tests or dumb shit like this but to the credit of Race Realists, even their bullshit sounds more scientifical

Going back to my “Self-hating white people tell you what to eat ” journal, i broke down exactly how much freshwater exist within the world and why Veganism on a global scale is impossible to do, i pointed out that “As for water, the world only has roughly, only 2.5% of the world’s water is drinkable and 70% of all clean water is trapped within glaciers. This means that only 0.75 of the worlds water supply is drinkable. Meaning out of the 1.43584×10^21kg of water on the planet or 4.45139×10^20 Gallons of water, only 3.338542510^18 Gallons is drinkable or fresh.”  Just to maintain it’s existence, you would need to give him nearly 6 times the entire world’s freshwater supply every two weeks which is just mindblowing amounts of freshwater, meaning in merely 5 days and 20 hours, Aldoron would’ve rendered our entire planet barren of fresh water.

It’s a good thing a Water Dragon exists to counterbalance that power right…….Oh….right 0_0!

Anyways as if that wasn’t scary enough, the energy created transferring water into Aldoron is simply frightening. Given the mass of water he drains and the specific heating, capacity is 4181 J/kg° K, he would be generating as much as 6.00324704e+24 Joules in 5 days and 20 hours, meaning that in a day, he produces roughly 1.035042593103448e+24 Joules of Energy from water, that means per day he’s producing roughly 247.381 Teratons of TNT merely drinking per day.

As for the dirt needed to make sure it grows, it would take an astronomical amount of dirt to grow this badboy. An average tree requires roughly 28 m^3 of soil to grow healthy. Given soil has an average density of around 1220 kg/m^3, that’s roughly 34,160 kg for every 1,000 kg or a ratio of 34.16/1 for 0.75 m^3 tree, meaning you would need a ratio of 37.33333333333333m^3 for every cubic meter of wood or about 6 sq meters per 0.20903184 sq meters or a ratio of 28.7.

Going by Alodron’s mass and volume, you would need 3.389150010843091e+19kg of fresh soil to sustain the existence of Alodron. That’s over 5.8431 times the arable land within the entire planet earth which can 

Amount of dirt needed to feed Aldoron by IreneBelserion69

That would be a volume of over 2.824291675702576e+16 m^3 in a sphere or roughly eqaulivent to a planetary sphere roughly 304.5 km wide, long and high, that’s about the size of the Dominican Republic that this planetary sphere would be in eqaulivence of cubic meters of dirt.

To put in sheer area lone, that’s roughly 569,500 Square Miles in area, the same size of the country

Now comes the lifeblood of the giant itself, Sugar, the by-product of how much a plant produces.1 gram of sugar contains about 4.5 calories which the body readily converts to either energy or fat. Converting this to the mass of Alodron, considering a food calorie is easily 4.186 Kilojoules and this is 4.5 Calories per gram.

E=4.5×4,186 J

E=18,837 J/ g x1,000

E=18,837,000 J kg 

That would be roughly 45% the eqauilvent eqauilvent of 1kg of Oil which is 41,868,000 J/kg. Going by Aldoron’s mass of 9.921399329165958e+17 kg, that means he’s producing casually over 1.868893991634992e+25 Joules of enegery per day or roughly 4.464629698124681e+21 Calories of energy going by sheer sugar production alone.  

Aldoron's sugar high by IreneBelserion69

That’s eqauvilent to 4 466 763 842.3 megatons of TNT or 4.466 Petatons of TNT, that’s enough energy to vaporize nearly all of North America in a giant Nuclear Fireball.

This is enough energy to equal the average human recommended in taking of 2,500 Calories for all 7.5 Billion Humans on earth for over 652,366 years in a single day which is over twice the length of the Homo Sapien species of humans.

How Strong is Luffy really? Post Timeskip Luffy

Or 39,844,6638,346 times the average calorie intake of Monkey D Luffy which is a mindblowing 11,205,088,130.89 Food calories in merely minutes. It would take Luffy over 1,091,634,625 years to eat as much as Aldoron generates in a day.

If you were to convert the amount of Sugar Aldoron produces in a day which is 45% of Oil energy output per kg, the amount of blood/Square body weight should be at least 7% of the overall mass, that means that Alodron can produce up to 6.944979530416171e+16 kg of Sugar daily or 8,337,310,360,643,662 Gallons of Sugar daily.…

Chcoclate ball by IreneBelserion69

There are 24 grams of sugar in a Hershey’s chocolate bar out of every 42.52428gram(1.55-ounce bar)The density of candy: 1,000 kg/m^3 or 1 g/cm^3. Meaning that for every 1 gram of chocolate, there are over 0.56438 grams of Sugar. Alodron can produce enough sugar to make a giant Chocolate ball roughly 69,449,795,304,161.71 m^3 wide or roughly a chocolate ball 41.104 km high, wide and long, enough to engulf all of New York City.

This is eqaulivent to making 198,507,389,539,134.8 barrels filled with sugar or over 441.127 Trillion Barrels of oil per day, more than 12,762 times the world’s annual Oil production at  34,565,500,000 Barrels of Oil.

This would make Ethanol replace oil simply going by Aldoron as they sheer mass of body and sugar can easily sustain humanity with free, clean renewable energy for over 37,377.879 years within a single day. Talk about a Green New Deal.

Going by sheer mass alone, Aldoron can absorb over 2.159888633959429e+16 kg of Co2 per year by sheer mass alone, that’s more than twice the total carbon content of all organisms on Earth.

That’s 684,896,192.9095095 kg of Co2 being absorbed every second or 684,896 Metric tons of Co2 absorbed a year, the eqaulivence of 34,626 average American CO2 annual CO2 emissions or the equivalent of 31,474,754 trees absorbing Co2 per year per second.

.984279865833192e+19 Gallons of water every two weeks in order to maintain the existence of Aldoron.

Sugar Generation:1.868893991634992e+25 Joules 

The means in 12 hours, Alaodrion would’ve absorbed roughly 1.021978727891531e+16 Joules of Sunlight or roughly 2.44 Megatons of TNT, That’s the equivalent of gathering enough energy to form a Little Boy tier Nuke every 5 minutes or 2.883 Terawatts of electricity in 12 hours, that’ 1.44 times more power than the approximate power generated between the surfaces of Jupiter and its moon Io due to Jupiter’s tremendous magnetic field at 2 Terawatts or over 86% the annual electricity consumption of the United States.

Aldoron’s Water Absorption:247.381 Teratons of TNT( Large Country level+)

Aldoron Oxygen generation: 13 Megatons of TNT Per Day( City level+)

Aldoron’s Sunlight Absorption:2.44 Megatons of TNT per Day(Small City level+)

Aldoron’s Photosynthesis Energy/Sugar Generation: 4.466 Petatons of TNT  per  day( Multi Continent Level)

Now for the energy merely needed to walk around in its massive size. It took roughly 30 seconds for the creature to merge his massive body out from the ground, given it’s peaked at 102km, that means the movement speed of the dragon is roughly 3.4 km/sec which is just scary, now time for some fun math of it’s walking energy.


E=9.921399329165958e+17kgx 3,400 m/s/2


5.734568812257924e+24 joule = 1 370 594 840.4 megaton [explosive] or 1.37 Petatons of TNT 

Aldoron’s Walking Energy:1.37 Petatons of TNT ( Continent Level+)

Simply moving its foot and body is enough to generate as much destructive force as that of 13.7 asteroids that killed the Dinosaurs, that’s sheer energy in terms of mass yet despite its mass, it can control it to the point it doesn’t flatten the entire continent however how much stronger would this think hit if we scaled it’s speed to that of the Dragons in Tararus.

Speedwise, the Five Dragon Gods should be far faster than a casual Ingeel, Metalicaina or Gradneeendy who each are able to cover an entire continental distance in roughly one minute destroying all 3,000 faces.

Dragon speed by IreneBelserion69

Fiore length: 388px(330km)

Average distance of FACE:37 px(31.488 km)

Moving at the speed of 26,828,189.1 m/s or Mach  78,839.19( Sub-Relativistic+) so what happens when you take a dragon the size of Israel and propel him at Sub-Relativistic speeds.


E=9.921399329165958e+17kgx26,828,189.1 m/s/2


3.570472167505668e+32 joule = 85 336 332 875 000 000 megaton [explosive] or 85.336 Zettatons of TNT.

Aldoron’s Potential Running Energy(Casual):85.336 Zettatons of TNT( Planet level)

WHOA…… Yeah scaling by speed and it’s sheer mass alone, Aldodron might be a potential planet buster by sheer size and virtue and speed just it moving as fast as the other dragons, this is all, of course, theoretical given it doesn’t seem mobile but if it moves that fast, damn.

Fairy Tail 530 Page 14
Fairy Tail 530 Page 13
Fairy Tail 539 Page 6

While this might seem absurd in terms of power, it’s honestly not far off with Ancologia proven to have tanked a Mirco Black Hole and proven Possible Faster than Light feats via resisting the blackhole.

Going by the description, Neo Eclipse is comparable to a Mirco Black Hole as it’s said not even Light could escape it and Anna was confident it could kill even Ancologia.

To make a correction to my old calc, the orange is roughly 6.35 cm in diameter so it would actually have the mass of  7.16 Earth masses, not 45.1 Earths. Now for the calculation of Neo Eclipse


E=4.2244e+25 kgx299,792,458 m/s/2


1.898350688527906e+42 joule = 4.5371670376e+26 megaton [explosive] or 453.72 Tenatons of TNT(Star level+)

Neo Eclipse: 453.72 Tenatons of TNT(Star level+)

So yeah Fairy Tail Top Tiers aka Acnologia is downgraded to only Star level+, still not too shabby but still below Naruto and Bleach. Even so, Ancologia tanked and absorbed the equal of a Star level attack that has over 

 However, how much stronger would Aldoron be if he moved at Deus Sema speeds of 184,837,262.3739922 m/s, Yep if a small Asteriod the size of a town could do serious damage, imagine an Asteriod roughly the size of Israel moving at near lightspeed.


E=9.921399329165958e+17kgx184,837,262.3739922 m/s


1.69481379177117e+34 joule = 4 050 702 179 200 000 000 megaton [explosive]

Aldoron’s Potential Running Energy(Normal): 4.050 Yottatons of TNT( Large Planet level)

Yikes at that speed, Aldoron could potentially destroy a planet the Size of Uranus moving at such force.

Pleiades large.jpg

Impacting the planet with the force equivalent of 1.7282291014e+33 kilogram-force meters which is equivalent to 864 Solar Masses at one meter on Earth’s Gravity which is fucking mindblowing given it’s 64 more Solar masses than the Pleiades star cluster at 800 M☉.

Now for the real event, moving at Faster than Light Speed scaling to Ancologia’s Blackhole feat. While it’s hard to tell the escape velocity of black holes, especially as nothing, in reality, is faster than light and Ancologia’s speed is never really made known, 

we’ll use the bare minimum speed of Superman flying out of a black hole which is calced around 52.06c as a possible escape velocity speed. Ancologia was resisting the current long enough so it should be around that speed. 52.06


E=9.921399329165958e+17kgx15,607,195,363.48 m/s/2


1.208349781165181e+38 joule = 2.8880252896e+22 megaton [explosive] or 28.88 Ninatons of TNT(Dwarf Star level)

Aldoron’s Potential Running Energy(Full Power): 8.88 Ninatons of TNT(Dwarf Star level)

This is roughly the Gravitational Binding Energy of a Brown Dwarf tier Star with the eqauilvence of this impact energy being roughly 1.2321738628e+37 kilogram-force meter.

Omega Centauri by ESO.jpg

This is if you convert all the destructive energy of destroying the GBE of a Brown Dwarf to the eqauilvent of holding up more weight than the Omega Centauri which is the largest globular cluster in a milky way, containing approximately 10 million stars weight a total of 8e+36 kg one meter above your head. That’s fucking crazy.

So yeah, this is pre-speculation based on existing feats but this would potentially buff the verse considerably if there are any big scale feats with other characters on this level.  Only time will tell what crazy feats or the FT cast could do but let’s just say that this would be a good benchmark between FT feats and 100-year quest feats.

Perhaps we get confrimed Star level Erza, LOL!

Anyways still need help on Bleach Shippuden and writing the fights of the OC shinigami if anyone can help me, please do.

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